Thursday, June 26, 2008

Hello, My Name is Melanie.

Hi there, I'm new. Have had some experience in my life being the new kid, am getting ready to be the new kid once again after I move to another town a few hundred miles away. Anyway, here, I'll write my name for you. MELANIE. That wasn't so bad for me. Felt great!

To be clear, this is not the blog of a writer. I mean I write, obviously, but writing in the sense that I may have something poignant to say... well in the event that happens let's just consider that a happy little accident, shall we? There is no way that would happen on purpose! I'm the kind of girl who likes to put my bare feet up on the coffee table and wear a ball cap around on bad hair days. I've been known to throw around the occasional bad word or ... ten. I'm just casual, and I don't always think things through. I majored in English but that was years ago, people. Please don't holler at me for not remembering all the rules!

I'm starting this blog to document the end of one chapter and the beginning of a new chapter in my life. Looking forward to getting started.

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