Friday, September 5, 2008

Do Dogs Have Wisdom Teeth and Other Nonsense

Google. God love Google. Hell, I know I love Google, I couldn't live a day without it. What did I ever EVER do for info before that came along? I'm thinking. (Shush it anyone about to make a joke. I was told earlier today that, in fact, I am a bright one. I have to think Google has something to do with it.) As I was saying, wondering really, if there are websites or perhaps blogs out there who have had a laugh or two at my expense just as I have had a playful giggle or two at the expense of a few nice (I'm sure they are VERY nice with a good sense of humor) folks who have stumbled on my blog by Googling something completely unrelated and ended up with me... in all my uninformative, neurotic, anxious glory. Here are a few of my favorite Google searches that brought readers to my sight. The best part is, a couple of these folks actually stayed and read several pages. Thanks!

1. Dog Wisdom Teeth I love this one. Do dogs have wisdom teeth? By the way, this blog turned up #6 out of a possible 433,000 results. The relevant link was my post about my son's wisdom teeth coming out on Aug. 6. He's no dog.

2. Thank Goodness for Baby Boys Easy. I wrote a post with almost the same title on Aug. 7. Right on! I scored a #1 out of a possible 330,000 results.

3. I love feeling manic Me too, dude. Me too. I think I had written a post entitled Feeling Manic on Monday on August 18. Again, a #1 score out of 2,440,000. This is not a game, but I'm a lilttle competitive and like the numbers. Quite honestly, I don't even know what they mean.

4. Goodbye my part time lover hello my new best friend What the hell. Really? This from Sept. 2. I'm thinking it was a combo of the title of my blog and the word "friend" in the content of the post that scored me a #1 spot out of a possible 2,700,000. Yeah, I know. Not a game. I just like being #1 at something even if its just a silly search result. Heh, I'm pathetic! High five me anyway. C'mon.

5. Why is Spam bad? Why is spam NOT bad. Exept THIS Spam, which I wrote about and posted this video of on June 30.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Two posts in a row with NO mention of Hero. I'm starting to get a complex that you don't love me anymore. Out of sight, out of mind I guess. :-(