Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Totally Random Tuesday **UPDATE!**

Hi, I'm back from a one day blogging vacay. A self imposed rest from words and thoughts. One would think, one who knows me well anyway, I would have an awful lot of crap just lined up in my brain waiting patiently to spill out. Or, more likely, a lot of words just jumbled up in there ready to squeeze through the door all at the same time when someone yells "GO!" and automatically, not so brilliant works of prose would start spilling out of me. Hmmm. Not so much today. Eh, what the hell. It is what it is? Hmph.

So, I'm not witty today, and not feeling particularly anxious (um, thank GOD because this is NEW), I'm just here... privos on the coffee table laptop in hand chattin' it up with my peeps about nothin' in particular. Anybody want something to drink? How about some nice iced tea? Water, G2? Doctor Dog? (Hero that offer was for you.) Okay. So dang... aren't there a lot of world events going on? I don't want to ignore our friends in the hurricane ravaged coastal south. My own family is in Alabama. The hugeness of the last few days events are not lost on me. Trust. And the RNC. Looks like its going to be a short week for them. And what is up with the anarchist protesters?

I visited my new friend Sandra Ann Miller over at RUAWAKE this afternoon and read her latest post entitled Palin in Comparison. Sandra makes me laugh out loud and this post made me think too. I'm also wondering if this is the image I want my Veep to portray. Check out Sandra's page to view it and read her entry. My thoughts on the photo are wide and include the words Ozark trailer park. Sorry if I offend.

Sandra emailed me this morning (9/3/08) and let me know she had just found out the photo she displayed on her post was not actually Ms. Palin. Thanks for the heads up Sandra! So, I feel even more comfortable now in my judgement of that photo... not having to feel some kind of wierd misplaced respect for a Governor and Vice Presidential candidate and all that B.S. I firmly stand by behind my first opinion of the photo. Ozark Trailer Park. Ellie May and Jethro. Standing by the CEEEEment Pond. Ellie's shootin' some vittles.

As a disclaimer... I typically vote republican. This year, I'm at a loss. Obviously the choice for VP has me baffled. This is not a political blog, and I normally don't discuss my politics... its like tattoos and piercings and religion. A choice. But sometimes something is so titillating I can't pass on bringing it up. I'm so flawed its not even funny. Gawd.

Changing the subject entirely to something new. As everyone who reads this blog on a regular basis knows, Hero and I are relocating to the Chicago area soon. We have been going through considerable stress with the sale of our home, or rather coming to terms with the new buyers over some things. Today I am pleased to announce... dum dum dum dum... it is finished. Our buyer situation is settled. Now, we just need to finish up some negotiations with the house we are purchasing in Greater Chicago and we will be good to go. We will be moving the end of September / beginning of October. So, cheers everyone!

Hopefully, y'all can look forward to me being in a better mood for a while. Though I will NOT make any promises to that effect. I am the original mood swinger. Well, not a swinger like with the keys in a bowl kind of swinger but oh you know what I mean. Jeez.


Anonymous said...

Mel, you might enjoy this piece by Maureen Dowd:


Melanie said...

lawyer mom- thanks for the link. I LOVED her article and she is in the same frame of mind that I am on the whole Palin thing. While watching Sarah Palin give her speech the other night, I couldn't help but thnk of Elle from LEGALLY BLONDE, and what would happen if she were a real person, and she were nominated for the VP. So great that you sent that. Thanks!