Friday, January 16, 2009

Friday (Fun?) Facts.

I haven't done one of these for a long time... maybe never on a Friday, so may I present to you Friday Fun Facts. I may not do this weekly, but whenever the whim strikes. These may not always be about me but today they are, so lets go!

  • I am a clean freak. I think the photo above should be captioned, "As God is my witness, I will never have a dirty floor or counter top."
  • I have not always been this way, but for all of my adult life.
  • I do not pull out my fridge and clean back there until it is time to change the filter. I have family members who think this makes me a bad housekeeper... ;-) You know who you are!
  • Right now my house is a mess because I've been under the weather for weeks. This makes me feel out of control.
  • Sometimes I smell things that aren't there. Today I keep smelling something burning, like something on fire. This is something that makes me crazy. I've been all over my house feeling walls for hot spots. Yes, paranoid a lot. I have plenty of working smoke detectors.
  • This week it has been below zero more days than not. Are we having a new ice age? I'm looking forward to next week!
  • This is the coldest winter in the last ten years in the city where I live.
  • Spring will be here in a few months and I'm picking out seeds and plants for my new Garden.
  • I love to feel sunshine on my face, but always wear a hat. I'm careful that way.
  • I love to get my hands in the dirt, but always wear gloves.
  • I do not like to feel the grass between my toes. I always wear shoes. Even indoors. Bare feet creep me out.
  • As God is my witness, I WILL get the rest of the Christmas Decor stored this weekend. Now that it is listed, I have to do this!

See you next week!


Lawyer Mom said...

Holy cow! Refrigerators have filters? Damn it. Where are they? What do they do? And they are sold . . . where? Help me. I'm melting. ; )

Melanie said...

LM - You crack me up. You know, since I moved and have a new fridge, I realized the filter for the new water dispenser is in the front. Now I'm screwed, because this fridge is never getting moved. Ever. Until it dies. Which it will, long before its time I'm sure. This will be my fault due to my not pulling it out and doing something back there like cleaning. But refrigerators are heavy! And not to whine or anything, but I have a bum rotator cuff and there is no way that thing is moving with one skinny arm trying to heave it around. So, much ado about a fridge! Hmph. ;-)