Monday, August 25, 2008

The Monday Cop Out Quiz

Copping out today. I'm tired, having a mental health day, and therefore, am resorting to the do it yourselfer of blogging... a quiz. My apologies in advance. Tomorrow I hope to be back in better form with a more lively post! Though, tomorrow is a travel day... so don't count on it. Sorry peeps. Creativity is slim pickins lately for me!

Complete The Statements...

My dream house could be described as:: where my family feels welcome.

A million dollars would best be used:: partially invested, partially spent, partially donated to a good cause.

In ten years I will be:: middle aged.

My favorite year/age was___ because:: 2004, age 40. Because I started over.

If I could just kiss:: Hmmmm.

If I could rid the world of one thing it would be:: Seriously just one thing? Okay, hatred.

At Starbucks I normally order:: Grande Soy decaf latte. 2 packs of raw sugar.

The best dream I ever had involved:: An ethereal misty cloudy mountain valley, a wedding party and pogo sticks.

My favorite photograph:: One in which my son was a baby and smiling.

The most recent phone call I received:: From my husband.

When I hear the word 'eject' I automatically think of:: cassette tapes. I'm old.
I can only compare the feeling of being loved to:: happiness.

The most fun I ever had was:: Too hard. I've had a lot of fun in my life.

I want to visit ___ because:: My family in Alabama because I love it when we are all together.

If I could travel back in time I would:: Go to Europe during the middle ages.

In my favorite book, the main character:: I have so many books I love, but the main characters with the ones I love are usually similar... quirky, strong, creative and humorous in some way.

Two songs that would be on the soundtrack of my life would be:: I can't think of just two!

I will never ever:: Say never.

If my house was burning down one thing I would definitly grab would be:: My dog.

My romantic status is currently:: Married

My best friend is:: My sisters

I love:: Mark, my dog, my family

This one time I was at the beach and:: It was absolutely peaceful.

Piericings are:: A personal choice.

The one person I can always count on is:: My husband

Wal-Mart is:: The evil empire.

The most over used phrase would have to be:: It is not nice enough to print here. Sorry!

The one CD I can listen to without skipping is:: Rolling Stones Forty Licks

My bedroom is missing:: I love my bedroom! It is missing nothing.

Fill out this survey yourself
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Brought to you by Bzoink


Anonymous said...

Being the impatient person I am, I'm not going to fill out the survey, but I will make a couple of comments.

You think you're old because you think of cassette tapes when you hear the word eject? What about thinking of eight track tapes? Now that's old!

Excuse me, but your bedroom is missing one thing.... ME.

I love you Sweetie!!!

Melanie said...

I love you too Markie. Of course you are missing right now. I was only thinking of inanimate things!