Sunday, August 24, 2008

Much to my surprise...

I don't have photo credit for this, I don't remember where I found it but it is gorgeous and I would HAPPILY live in it!

We decided on a house, The house actually, a dream house. The house in our new state, our new village, our new neighborhood, our new dream tree house. We extended an offer, they counter offered, we accepted. Contracts were signed and closing is set for October 3. Things are lining up for us and our ducks are in a row... seems too good to be true, so I'm in a very stunned frame of mind. Feeling shell shocked, numb. I know I should be jumping up and down and feeling joyful, instead I'm feeling guarded and nervous. Normal? I have no idea. In a day or two it will all sink in. I think I feel a twinge of relief surfacing though, and that is fantastic.

Something lovely about ducks swimming in a row, isn't there?

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